From the North/West
Exit #40 off NYS Thruway at Weedsport, NY. Take Rt. 34 to Auburn. Turn left on Rt 5&20. Take 2nd right on Rt. 38A, on the east side of Owasco Lake, go 9 miles South to Hamlet of Owasco, turn right on Twelve Corners rd, turn right on Vanderstouw rd.
From Ithaca
Take Rt. 38 North to Locke, then to Moravia, turn right on Rt. 38A in Moravia, drive 6 miles, turn left on Twelve Corners rd, go 3 miles north, turn left on Vanderstouw rd.
From the South
Exit #12 off of Interstate 81 at Homer, NY, turn right on Rt 281, then left on Tr 90 to Locke, NY. In Locke turn right on Rt. 38 to Moravia, see directions above from this point.
From Syracuse
Take Rt. 5 to Auburn, left on Rt 38A in Auburn, on the east side of Owasco Lake, go 9 miles south to Hamlet of Owasco, turn right onto Twelve Corners rd, turn right on Vanderstouw rd.